[ISITDTUCTF2020 Finals] Keylogger, Game, Maze writeups

All files can be found here



Given files: Launcher.exe, capture.pcapng.

Description: We are tracking a suspect in a gold robbery of 4 men, After a few days he had access to a public computer. We then analyzed that computer and found it a keylogger software that someone secretly installed earlier, Hope you can find out what the thief accessed, whom to contact, any information that could lead to evidence of the robbery.

Category: Reverse engineering

Summary: This is a Windows PE reverse engineering challenge of a keylogger program. The program has a lot of faking techniques, and also implements a custom protocol that needs to be reversed. The challenge also contains some network forensics and steganography problems.


  1. Analyze Launcher.exe => Dump XblCloud.dll with SpyStudio.
  2. Analyze capture.pcapng => Get information about zip file, keylogs and big TCP stream.
  3. Analyze XblCloud.dll => Parse keylogs => Not much information.
  4. Analyze XblCloud.dll again => Decrypt big TCP stream into screenshot => Get hint about on-screen keyboard (OSK).
  5. Get my own screenshot with OSK on it => Plot parsed mouse clicks => Get zip file password.
  6. Extract zip file => Get flag.

Analyzing Launcher.exe

The Launcher.exe executable file throws an error when being executed, then it seems like nothing happens after that. So I started to reverse it statically using IDA. The flow is quite simple: it first throws a fake error about missing a DLL, then clones itself using the name XblAuthenticator.exe, then decrypts some data and saves it under the name XblCloud.dll, all the files created by this program are somehow related to XBox stuffs, but most likely they are just fake names and fake strings. My teammates said that it also does something to the registry hive, but that information is unecessary for the solution. The most important thing then was to get the DLL file. I think it can be retrieved by reversing the decryption function and decrypting the data, but my teammate @Edisc used SpyStudio and dumped it out for me. So all I needed to do was to analyze the DLL file and the traffic capture file.

First look at capture.pcapng

Before reversing the big DLL file, I took a look at the network traffic capture. One of the things that I like to do when analyzing a pcap file is to throw it into Wireshark and then use the Follow TCP stream functionality to skim through all the TCP streams. Here are the informations that I gathered from doing that:

  • The user (or the keylogger, I didn’t know yet) sent a zip file called message.zip containing message.txt to c.unsafesector.com/upload in TCP stream number 4. Dumping the zip file and trying to extract it, I found out that it is archived using an unknown password.
  • TCP streams number 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 are quite identical, it seems like they contain the logged key presses and got encoded as a protocol in some way.
  • TCP stream number 10 is quite large, and I had no information about it yet.

Since the packets are likely to be encoded in a custom protocol, I moved on to investigate XblCloud.dll to reverse its encoding.

Analyzing XblCloud.dll

Analyzing from DllEntryPoint() onward, I arrived at function sub_180002370, which makes a lot of calls to GetAsyncKeyState(), which means it is where the keys are logged.

The first two GetAsyncKeyState() are called with parameters 1 and 2, respectively. Looking at Microsoft’s virtual key codes documentation, I knew that these are to log mouse clicks. I could also see that the X and Y coordinates of the cursor are encrypted by XORing with 0xCAFEFAAA.

The next two GetAsyncKeyState() are called with parameters from 0x30 - 0x39 and 0x60 - 0x69. Again looking at the documentation, these are the number keys from 0 to 9, with 0x30 - 0x39 being the normal keys and 0x60 - 0x69 being the numpad keys. Both of them are then added with a constant to map into the range of 0x96 - 0x9f.

The next GetAsyncKeyState() is called with parameter from 0x41 - 0x5a, these are uppercase characters from A to Z. The encoding here is subtracting by 0x7a.

The last GetAsyncKeyState() is specifically for the whitespace character 0x20, which is encoded into 0x86.

Also in each of these encoding, I saw that a timestamp retrieved from GetTickCount64() and a sequence number that got incremented after every logged keys are included. There are also some other complex fields, but they are too complex to reverse, so I checked back at Wireshark to see if I could figure something out.

Parsing the keylog

I used my instinct to make a lot of assumptions in this part, so don’t get confused about how could I figured them out, it was just my instinct.

Starting by looking at TCP stream 0, I could see a repetitive pattern in it: there are a lot of sequence starting with \x0a\xXX\x08. The sequences start at the fifth byte of the stream, so the first 4 bytes are most likely be the length of the stream, and that can be easily verified.

Now let’s take a look at the first sequence:

0a 14 08 00 10 c2 a6 b6 c3 03 18 00 22 08 ff ff fe ca aa fa fe ca

I could see there are two 0xcafe bytes in this sequence, so this is likely the result from the XORing with 0xCAFEFAAA in the log of a mouse click. The first 3 bytes seem like a header of some sort. The fourth byte in these sequences gets incremented every sequence, starting from 0, so it must be the sequence number. The next 7 bytes are incremented a little bit after each sequence, so I assumed that they are the timestamp. For the next 3 bytes, I don’t even know what they are. And finally the last 8 bytes are the encrypted X and Y coordinate of the cursor when the mouse is pressed. This way, I could already parse the mouse click sequences into sequence number, timestamp and coordinates:

def parse(data):
    length = u32(data[0:4])
    data = data[4:]
    i = 0
    while i < length:
        if data[i:i+3] == b"\x0a\x14\x08":
            seq_num = data[i+3]
            timestamp = u64(data[i+4:i+11] + b"\0")
            point_x = u32(data[i+14:i+18]) ^ 0xCAFEFAAA
            point_y = u32(data[i+18:i+22]) ^ 0xCAFEFAAA
            print("{} \t {} \t Mouse x = {}, y = {}".format(seq_num, timestamp, point_x, point_y))
            i += 22

Let’s take a look at a shorter sequence that comes later in the TCP stream:

0a 0e 08 02 10 9e fb b6 c3 03 18 02 22 02 df 29

Again, I assumed the first 3 bytes are header, the fourth byte is sequence number, the next 7 are timestamp, the next 3 are unknown. For the last 2, by trials and errors, I knew that the first of them is the encoded key code, and the second is unknown and unimportant. The code to parse these sequences:

    elif data[i:i+3] == b"\x0a\x0e\x08":
        seq_num = data[i+3]
        timestamp = u64(data[i+4:i+11] + b"\0")
        key_enc = data[i+14]
        if key_enc >= 0x96  and key_enc <= 0x9f:
            key = chr(key_enc - 0x66)
        elif key_enc >= 0xbb  and key_enc <= 0xe0:
            key = chr(key_enc + 0x7a - 0x100)
        elif key_enc == 0x86:
            key = " "
            key = "unknown"
        print("{} \t {} \t Key = {}".format(seq_num, timestamp, key))
        i += 16

By using only these 2 functions to parse the streams that contain the keylog, it failed at some later sequences because their headers are different: \x0a\x0f\x08 and \x0a\x15\x08. I investigated these and it is actually quite simple: they are still the sequences for key presses and mouse clicks, but because the sequence number is greater than 255 then, they need one more byte to represent it. These two can be parsed using the following code:

    elif data[i:i+3] == b"\x0a\x0f\x08":
        seq_num = u16(data[i+3:i+5]) - 0x100
        timestamp = u64(data[i+5:i+12] + b'\0')
        key_enc = data[i+15]
        if key_enc >= 0x96  and key_enc <= 0x9f:
            key = chr(key_enc - 0x66)
        elif key_enc >= 0xbb  and key_enc <= 0xe0:
            key = chr(key_enc + 0x7a - 0x100)
        elif key_enc == 0x86:
            key = " "
            key = "unknown"
        print("{} \t {} \t Key = {}".format(seq_num, timestamp, key))
        i += 17

    elif data[i:i+3] == b"\x0a\x15\x08":
        seq_num = u16(data[i+3:i+5]) - 0x100
        timestamp = u64(data[i+5:i+12] + b'\0')
        point_x = u32(data[i+15:i+19]) ^ 0xCAFEFAAA
        point_y = u32(data[i+19:i+23]) ^ 0xCAFEFAAA
        print("{} \t {} \t Mouse x = {}, y = {}".format(seq_num, timestamp, point_x, point_y))
        clicks.append((point_x, point_y))
        i += 23

Okay, then I could parse the key log:

0        6759538558943760        Mouse x = 1365, y = 0
1        6759538560579088        Mouse x = 646, y = 601
2        6759538564505104        Key = Y
3        6759538564573968        Key = O
4        6759538564634640        Key = U
5        6759538564788240        Key = T
6        6759538573237520        Key = U
7        6759538573363216        Key = B
8        6759538573431824        Key = E
9        6759538574540816        Key = Y
440      6759538946316560        Mouse x = 322, y = 181
441      6759538946603536        Mouse x = 385, y = 234
442      6759538946773776        Mouse x = 265, y = 79
443      6759538947125776        Mouse x = 373, y = 145
444      6759538947303952        Mouse x = 378, y = 118
445      6759538947587088        Mouse x = 436, y = 171
446      6759538947883024        Mouse x = 281, y = 111
447      6759538948105232        Mouse x = 346, y = 176

It seems that the dudes who were using this computer were just googling for some weird currency stuffs on the Internet, nothing seemed interesting to me yet. So I moved on to see what information I could gather from the last unknown part of the pcap: the big TCP stream number 10.

Back to XblCloud.dll

I went back to the DLL file to find where the big stream is sent. First off, I went back to the function that log the keys to find where is the function that actually sends the stuffs. It can be easily recognized at sub_180001910 because it makes a bunch of calls to some WSA networking function. I didn’t analyze this function at all, instead, I cross-referenced it and found out that it’s also called at sub_180001DD0.

The lower part of this function is quite identical to the function that logs the keys, so it seemed like I went in the right direction. Scrolling up to the top of the function, I realized that it makes some calls to keybd_event() and some other functions that interact with the clipboard. Some quick searches around the Microsoft docs again and I knew that this function generates a PrtScr key press to take a screenshot and retrieves it from the clipboard. The image is then encoded in the jpeg format, I got this information by googling these 2 constants 1284378190221622446i64 and 3383081795586128797i64 that appear in sub_1800016B0. Therefore, the big TCP stream is a jpeg image of the screenshot that got encrypted in some way.

Decrypting the screenshot

The encryption routine is clearly shown in sub_180001DD0, but because it is decompiled into some weird m128i_i64 fields, it is quite hard to read. This is where my instinct comes into play again, let’s look at this block of code:

    v13 = v11;
    if ( v11 < v10 )
      v14 = &img_buf[v11 / 0x10u];
      v15 = v10 - v13;
      v16 = *(img_buf->m128i_i64 + v13);
        LOBYTE(v14->m128i_i64[0]) = BYTE1(v14->m128i_i64[0]) ^ v16;
        v14 = (v14 + 1);
        v16 = v14->m128i_i64[0];
      while ( v15 );

A bunch of weird variables and fields are referenced here, but let’s ignore them and get a closer look:

LOBYTE(v14->m128i_i64[0])  =  BYTE1(v14->m128i_i64[0])  ^ v16;
v14 = (v14 + 1);
v16 = v14->m128i_i64[0];

This looks like every bytes in the image gets XORed with its next byte, except the last one. So I wrote a script to try to decrypt it to see if my theory is correct:

from malduck import *

data = bytearray(unhex(open("screenshot_enc.hex", "r").read().replace("\n", "")))

for i in  range(len(data) - 2, -1, -1):
    data[i] = data[i] ^ data[i+1]

open("screenshot.jpg", "wb").write(data)

It actually is, I found the string JFIF in the decrypted data, so then I just had to cut out the part that is the header of the stream and what’s left is the screenshot that is sent over by the keylogger.

Analyze the screenshot

The screenshot was taken and sent after the user searched for the google calculator app, and did something with the numbers, as we can see from the parsed keylog. Linking it with the description, this is actually the 4 thieves stealing some gold and then converted the value of the gold they stolen to VND and divided it by 4.

At this point, because I saw the calculator and all the mouse clicks, I immediately thought of plotting all the mouse clicks onto the screenshot to find out what they did after calculating the money. All I found after that point was disappointment, because the only thing that the “thieves” did after calculating the money was randomly clicking on the screen, then searched for hero of the storm WTF and watched some funny video game vids. It was a brainfart by me because I completely forgot about the message.zip file. It was even worse of a brainfart because I already thought of an on-screen keyboard shenanigans at this point, but somehow I couldn’t link it with the password of the zip file.

Finding the zip password

When I cleared the fog in my head, I looked back at the start of the keylog: there were a lot of mouse clicks before they connected to c.unsafesector.com, and maybe this was where they typed the password. I used OpenCV to plot the clicks directly onto the screenshot, and I found out that they clicked the on-screen keyboard icon on the icon tray at the bottom right of the screen, then clicked some keys. The idea then was to have my own keyboard on the screen, take a screenshot and plot the clicks on it. Thanks to the decrypted screenshot, I knew the resolution of the targeted PC is 1366x768. Therefore, I changed my own screen resolution to that, popped my own on-screen keyboard up (remember to use the OSK that comes with the icon on the tray, not the one that you can find by searching the system, they are different!). I took my screenshot and started to plot on it using OpenCV (the keyboard clicks happened at the 16th to 49th clicks in the log):

cnt = 1
for i in  range(16, 50):
    img = cv2.imread("./keyboard.png")
    cv2.circle(img, clicks[i], 6, (0,0,255), -1)
    cv2.imwrite("./imgs/tmp{}.jpg".format(cnt), img)
    cnt += 1

But because they also switched to the number keyboard in between and press some numbers, I had to take 2 different screenshots and plot them separately:

cnt = 1
for i in  range(16, 37):
    img = cv2.imread("./keyboard.png")
    cv2.circle(img, clicks[i], 6, (0,0,255), -1)
    cv2.imwrite("./imgs/tmp{}.jpg".format(cnt), img)
    cnt += 1

for i in  range(37, 50):
    img = cv2.imread("./keyboard2.png")
    cv2.circle(img, clicks[i], 6, (0,0,255), -1)
    cv2.imwrite("./imgs/tmp{}.jpg".format(cnt), img)
    cnt += 1

The password could be recovered as: emergency password 641578642380, but it still was incorrect. Therefore I asked the author of this challenge @ks75vl and he told me the there was actually one more key press before the first e, but I didn’t found it (weird?), so I just used my instinct again and assumed that it was a Shift key. So the correct password could be: Emergency password 641578642380.

Using that password to extract the zip file, I got the txt file that contains the flag:



The script for parsing the keylogs and plotting the clicks is parse_key.py.

The script for decrypting the screenshot is decrypt_screenshot.py.



Given files: Auto9Yin.2.72.17.zip (download here).

Description: Decrypt this: C2BAC628EC275E5F9D64A403A57AF4E9880BA46AE78560CC0B26F6D630C93A5BC3153098F77E7A871FE7C7484F72F36BC42BFA9E0E331C186E33646BDC61C9F21958CBE5DC6468EB84676F99C2504BA7B8BA29463E9C481C1182C4A718D2E45EB2ACEA664D10249E8F34DDA801E5692ECB3E4E34375589D38CCE4018A004C7EC9C6805C27A2D37C45290C38F7D7CE679762567DB2FDD44309F74365C18310673F6B98D99A1A27E2204555B3D12113CC4C72B665548C3738BE2E310206A68E89A1E5BE492AC00ABC22ACA5099FDF7E1426D82AF89AF53D8A84255002D166352890DA2FE8881450D836FC95AE28C9F604ACB00D3CF95CB2AAF1445F0D1234DE1BAD13739E6D18B3D0718ABD10C259635B6

Category: Reverse engineering

Summary: This is a real world reverse engineering problem of an online game’s third-party module. This is a paid botting module that requires player to buy a key to gain access to its features. Our task is to reverse engineer the key check phase in order to decrypt the given key. The author also gives us a link to download the actual game (which is 22GB in size!) and a link to a video where he shows us how to install and use the Auto9Yin module.


  1. Optional: Download the game, watch the video and test out the module itself.
  2. Extract the module and investigate it => See a lot of DLLs.
  3. Investigate the lua scripts => See some scripts that load auto_main and auto_core.
  4. Analyze the corresponding DLLs (and some others) => See the same structure, only differ is in the encrypted part.
  5. Decrypt the similar part => Get a lua function to decrypt the different parts.
  6. Decrypt the different part in auto_9yin.dll => Get the lua script that has the encryption and decryption routine.
  7. Use the script to decrypt the given key => Get flag.

Optional: Install the game and Auto9Yin

Before the event even started, the author gave us a link to download the game itself, because the game would be too large to be downloaded on site. I downloaded the game the night before and tried to play with it for a bit. It is actually a real Chinese RPG that got translated into Vietnamese that has quite a large player base. The game itself is free-to-play, so I didn’t know what do we have to crack yet, so I just kept it as it is.

The day after, in the competition, we are given this challenge. The author gives us a link where he demonstrates how to install the Auto9Yin module itself and how to activate it. To activate it, we have to buy a valid code and submit it into the game, then we will have access to various botting features. I label this section as Optional because actually, we don’t need to install neither the game nor the module, all we have to do is decrypt the given key.

First look into the module and the lua scripts

Extracting the given zip files, I ended up with a quite large folder. There is a bin folder inside of it which contains many DLL files, which is quite intimidating to look at. Therefore, I didn’t start by looking into the DLLs, but instaed at the folder lua (because I have watched some game development video before and they like to do scripting in lua, so this folder might be interesting). In that folder, I saw some short lua scripts that load auto_main and auto_core, which are 2 of the DLLs in bin. So I continued by analyzing these 2 DLLs.

Analyzing the DLLs

Opening the 2 mentioned DLLs in IDA, I saw that all the functions in them are similar, I also opened other DLLs as well, and they are all almost similar. The only difference between them is that in function luaopen_auto_*() (* is different for each DLL), the strings that look to be encrypted are different. luaopen_auto_*() first makes a call to sub_10001130(), so I analyzed this function first.

This function is similar accross all DLLs and has a repeated pattern: first copies an encrypted string to a buffer, call sub_10001000() on it, then calls luaL_loadbuffer() and lua_pcall(). By quickly doing some Google search, I knew that the 2 latter functions are just from an API to interact with lua from native code. As far as I know, luaL_loadbuffer() compiles a piece of lua code, then pushes it into the lua stack, and lua_pcall() pops and runs it. Therefore, sub_10001000() must be the function where it decrypts the encrypted buffer into lua code.

Decrypting the similar encrypted part

The decryption routine in sub_10001000() is not hard to understand: it simply maps some specific characters in the string to other characters then subtracts it by 1, and keeps the rest unchanged. It is easy enough to re-implement in python:

MAP = {'H':'!', 'U':'*', 'N':'>', 'G':')', 'X':'e', 'I':'j', 'O':'v', 'A':'u', 'W':' ', 'T':'#', 'M':'/', 'L':'-', 'Y':'{', 'Z':'(', 'J':':', 'P':'^', 'C':'|', 'Q':'\\'}

def decrypt(str):
    result = ""
    i = len(str) - 1
    while True:
        c = str[i]
        if c in MAP.keys():
            c = chr(ord(MAP[str[i]]) - 1)
            c = chr(ord(str[i]) - 1)
        result += c
        i -= 1
        if i < 0:
    return result

Using this python function to decrypt the encrypted buffer, I obtained the code in xingxiang.lua, which is obfuscated in the way that each of its function is written on only one line. I asked my teammate @pcback to help me beautify the lua code and re-implement it in python:

def axing(buff):
    return ''.join(chr(int(buff[i:i+2],16)-1) for i in range(0, len(buff), 2))

begin = [ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' ]
last = [ 'x', 'u', 'h', 's', 'p', 'v', 'g', 'q', 'r', 'y', 'z', 'n', 'm', 'i', 'w','k']

def decr(buff):
    temp = buff[::]
    for i in range(16):
        temp = temp.replace(last[i], begin[i])
    return temp

def reveser(s):
    return s[::-1]

def axiang(buff):
    temp = buff.replace('5', 'z')
    temp = temp.replace('f', '5')
    temp = temp.replace('z', 'f')
    temp = buff.replace('6', 'z')
    temp = temp.replace('d', '6')
    temp = temp.replace('z', 'd')
    return temp

def xingxiang(s):
    return reveser(axing(axiang(decr(reveser(s)))))

I was done with sub_10001130(), so I returned to luaopen_auto_*(). The function then calls sub_10001300() on a lot of encrypted strings.

Decrypting the different parts

This function is quite small. First it uses the same decryption routine that decrypts the xingxiang script on a small string to obtain the string "xingxiang", then it uses some lua API functions on this string and on the encrypted parameter. I didn’t look much into the documentation this time, because it is almost certain that it uses xingxiang to decrypt the encrypted parameter, so I simply used the python code for xingxiang above to decrypt all of auto_main.dll and auto_core.dll.

Disappointingly, decrypting these 2 DLLs only results in lua scripts that handle the in-game botting stuffs, there is no code in those scripts that take care of the key. My thought process then was to decrypt all of the DLLs to find what I seek. Of course though, I had to look at the DLLs that have the most interesting names first, so I instantly looked at auto_9yin.dll, and I did hit the jackpot.

Running auto9_yin to decrypt the key

The decrypted lua code from auto_9yin.dll is well commented, and it is used to handle everything about the key. There is a decrypt function in there, so firstly, I asked @pcback again to recode it into python. However, because of some differences between lua and python, he didn’t succeed in doing that this time, so I had to find another way to do it.

My solution was to run the lua script itself on the given key to get the flag. However, there were also some hiccups doing this:

  • The script requires some packages that is loaded somewhere else and I didn’t have them, so I simply tried to remove all the require() calls.
  • Doing the above will result in the lua script missing the hex and the bin packages.
  • I googles for those, but I can’t find hex, so I looked in the script to find where it is used, and found out that it is simply use to convert the hex representation of the key into bytes. Therefore, I can do this in python, copy the result into lua and get rid of hex.
  • For bit, I found it on the Internet, so I simply copy and paste it into the same folder.

With the above setups, I could successfully run the lua script to get the flag:

danchoihephoco,1922762076,This key was used as a real world challenge for a cyber security contest (see https://www.facebook.com/isitdtu/). If you are owner of this product, please do not share or leak it, thanks a lot. ISITDTU{r34l_w0rd_1s_fUn_4nd_34sY_bUt_lu4_sUcKs}

Note: Actually I forgot the technique of “googling the constant” when I was onsite at the competition. If I did a quick google search of the delta = 0x9E3779B9 value in the script, I would have known that this encryption is XTEA and not have to waste time trying to recode/run the lua script.


The script for decrypting both the similar and the different parts in DLLs is decrypt.py.

The decrypted auto_9yin.dll lua script is auto_9yin.lua

The bit package for lua is bit.lua.

The modified lua script to decrypt the key is a.lua.



Given file: maze.exe.

Category: Reverse engineering

Summary: This is what I called an algorithmic/mathematical type of reverse engineering challenge. The program is simple: it asks for an input, checks if its correct and then decodes the flag based on the given input and prints it out. Our task is to reverse engineer the checking process.


  1. Analyze the program => Learn that it takes in the input as a path to get to the destination in a maze and checks it.
  2. Learn how the program actually stores the maze and checks the path.
  3. Model the problem mathematically and use z3 to solve it.
  4. Adding constraints to z3: coordinates bound (1), don’t go back (2), initial and final coordinates (3), valid moves (4).
  5. Let it run => Get flag.

Analyzing the program to learn the checking algorithm

The program takes in an input string, then checks if its length is 34. If that’s the case then it will iterate through our string character by character. It only accepts 4 characters: U, D, L, R corresponding to up, down, left and right.

Initially, it sets the coordinates to be (3, 0), moving up will decrement the X coordinate, down will increment it, moving left will decrement the Y coordinate, right will increment it. The way it checks if a move is valid is as follow: It stores a large array of size 256 in data that contains only 0s and 1s. It indexes the array by 4 * (coord_X + 8 * coord_Y) plus 0, 1, 2 or 3. That means this is an array of quadruples, each corresponds to one (X, Y) coordinates. The value of each element in the quadruples is either 0 or 1, with 0 being “invalid move” and 1 being “valid move”, the order of the elements is (up, down, left, right). Because the array is of size 256, there are 64 quadruples, and by the way it is indexed, I knew that the maze is 8x8.

Finally, it checks if we end up at (4, 7). If we do, it uses our given path to decrypt the flag and prints it out for us. So the only thing I needed to do is find the correct path.

Modeling the problem

Because I just read some great writeups about very cool z3 solutions for algorithmic challenges like this, my initial thought was to use z3 to solve it (although I forgot one constraint when I was onsite and didn’t solve it by using z3 but by using another kinda luck-based solution, but the way I modeled the problem was correct). Initially, I thought of treating every of the 34 moves in the path as a z3 variable and model it from there, but this was actually not good enough because I couldn’t index the valid-move array with these variables. Therefore, I changed the variables to (X, Y) coordinates after every move, even though it makes the number of variables becomes 70 (2*35, because I also treat the initial coordinates as a variable for easier construction of equations), it makes it so much easier to write all the z3 equations this way.

With this type of modeling, we have the following constraints:

  1. Coordinate bound condition: All X and Y must be within the 8x8 maze.
  2. Don’t go back condition: Never go back to a coordinates that has already been explored (this is what I forgot at the competition).
  3. Initial and final coordinates: Starts at (3, 0) and ends at (4, 7).
  4. Valid move condition: This is the most complex condition, constructed by using the array in the program.

Writing z3 equations

For all the values of X and Y, I used IntVector data type in z3 because my advisor @cothan said that IntVector actually helps z3 solve faster than normal array of Int.

The 1st and 3rd conditions are simple:

# Coordinates condition
for i in range(CNT):
    s.add(And(X[i] >= 0, X[i] < 8))
    s.add(And(Y[i] >= 0, Y[i] < 8))
# Initial coordinate condition
s.add(And(X[0] == 3, Y[0] == 0))
# Final coordinate condition
s.add(And(X[34] == 4, Y[34] == 7))

The 2nd condition is also not hard, but needs a bit of thought put into it. If I simply say that every (X, Y) pair is strictly different from all others, it will create too much constraints for z3 to solve (34! constraints). Therefore, I think of a more clever way to say it: If at step i, we are at coordinates (X_i, Y_i), then at step i+2, if we are at the same X_i, then we must be at a different Y than Y_i, and vice versa, we don’t care about step i+1 because it must be different from step i no matter what:

# Don't go back condition
for i in range(2, CNT):
    s.add(If(X[i] == X[i-2], Y[i] != Y[i-2], True))
    s.add(If(Y[i] == Y[i-2], X[i] != X[i-2], True))

For the 3rd condition, the first big problem is that I couldn’t index a normal python array using a z3 variable, z3 simply doesn’t allow that. Googling this issue leads me to a solution as below, using the Array type in z3:

MAZE = Array('MAZE', IntSort(), IntSort())
i = 0
for elem in maze:
    MAZE = Store(MAZE, i, elem)
    i = i + 1

This way, I could index the MAZE z3 array using the function Select(). The rest of the work is to check each element in the quadruple corresponds to the last coordinates, if it equals to 1, I add in a possibility for z3 (using Or()):

for i in range(1, CNT):
    cond1 = If(Select(MAZE, 4 * (X[i-1] + 8 * Y[i-1]) + 2) == 1, And(X[i] == X[i-1] - 1, Y[i] == Y[i-1]), False)
    cond2 = If(Select(MAZE, 4 * (X[i-1] + 8 * Y[i-1]) + 3) == 1, And(X[i] == X[i-1] + 1, Y[i] == Y[i-1]), False)
    cond3 = If(Select(MAZE, 4 * (X[i-1] + 8 * Y[i-1]) + 0) == 1, And(X[i] == X[i-1], Y[i] == Y[i-1] - 1), False)
    cond4 = If(Select(MAZE, 4 * (X[i-1] + 8 * Y[i-1]) + 1) == 1, And(X[i] == X[i-1], Y[i] == Y[i-1] + 1), False)
    s.add(Or(cond1, cond2, cond3, cond4))

Running the z3 solver

Those are all of the constrains that can be constructed from the model of our problem, the only small step left to do is to convert the list of X and Y in the result into moves (remember, the program takes in the path as input, not the coordinates). Running the script and wait for a bit gave me the correct path: LLDRRDLLLDRDLDDDRRULURRULURRDDDLDR.

Inputting this into the program, I got the flag:



The z3 script to solve the problem is a.py.


CTF player. Reverser. Pwner. Memer.
